Friday Session

The purpose of this retreat is to enhance "Optimal Wellness" of women across all 7 Dimensions of Wellness. The Power of Your Presence Session is designed to help women learn to make better use of their gifts, skills, and talents in order to gain purpose, happiness, and enrichment in life. Enriching these attributes will enhance the "Occupational Wellness" of each woman in attendance.
The Session is Perfect For:
​Current or Aspiring Business Owners
Organization Leaders & Teams
Sororities & Social Organization Leaders & Teams
Network Marketing Teams
Women's Ministry Leaders & Teams
Current or Aspiring Elected Officials
Civic & Social Activists
Any Enterprising Woman of Excellence
Experts in various fields of business and industry will lead informative and interactive discussions that are designed to provide enterprising women with real life strategies and tools to help in their professional development and success.​
Women will also have the opportunity to network in master mind groups with women across industries, organizations and careers. Thereby, making critical connections that can aid in personal and professional success.
The Breakout Sessions will be Based on the Tracks Below:
Current Or Aspiring Business Owners
Creating A Strategic Plan
Marketing Your Business or Idea
Current Or Aspiring Leaders
Enhancing Leadership Skills
Is Your Organization on Track with its Vision, Mission & Goals?
Current or Aspiring Elected Officials
Setting Up A Political Campaign
The Power of Connections
Roxy Hall , Dianne Williams-Cox
& Dr. Judy Mandrell
When you understand "The Power of your Presence" you understand what you bring to the table when you show up.
Dr. Judy Mandrell will join SHEnergy Founder, Roxy Hall and Tallahassee City Commissioner, Dianne Williams-Cox as the hosts of this POWERFUL Session.
They will guide you through a professional development experience that will help you understand "The Power of Your Presence" and how to effectively use that Power to positively impact your personal and professional life.
Throughout this full day session, women will be energized, educated, emotionally engaged and empowered to take their lives to higher levels of excellence and build mutually beneficial alliances with like-minded women of excellence.
Session Hosts